
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Masak Nasi Minyak


Don't ask me why I even put this recipe here. I myself don't even know.

For those out there, I believe some men are better cook than woman.... mmm, do u agree with me???? haha


To make it u need:

500g Rice (Washed)
a spoon of margarine or butter ( minyak sapi (cow's ghee) would be better)
onion ( cut nicely)
garlic (cut nicely)
ginger( 1/2 cm would be fine)
spices i.e.: kulit kayu manis, bunga cengkih....
skimmed milk


1. turn on the fire( well, everyone knows that....)
2. put in the margarine. let it melt
3. then, add in the onion, ginger, garlic and spices. fried it until you've got a nice smell.
4. after that, add 2 cups of water and also 250ml of skimmed milk.
5. let it boil for a while, after that add in your rice.
6. The let it cook nicely.


you can eat it with "Ayam masak merah or Opor Daging"... Yum Yum.......

kalo nk , I can cook it to u... hahaha ...:D

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sciencess AGD 2009


I've been leaving my blog unattended for quite sometime already. Sorry guys, I've been extremely busy. October is sure is a hectic month. Almost every week there's a program to cater to.

Last night, was the Sciencess Annual Grand Dinner 2009. It's my first time being the Program Director. Thanks to Mus for giving me the opportunity. It had been a great experience. There are many problems, the dates, the hotels, finding the right person for the the right post. Too many to think about. But then, I was really glad that many of my friends were there to help me. Thanks guys. What it could have been without all of you without by my side.

I've also been receiving complaints that some are unhappy about the program. Me myself too were unhappy about some tiny or minor little things. It's just that we had tried our best, make sure everything goes smoothly. It's hard and stupid to think that everyone will be happy with every action that you take, you can't pleases everyone. Each had their own point of view. It just that you had to take it in a positive manner.

Now, I want to aim for something much, extremely bigger. Something that I'd been thinking quite sometime, with the current situation, it seems to be favourable. I hope it can be materialized....

Congrats and thanks to my commitees. It sure is a nice experience working with all of you...


Monday, October 5, 2009

When you're in love.......


(Just some random thoughts)

When you're in love ,many joyous things will happened. And don't forget the painful things, it is included too. If you're asking me.... well, apparently, I haven't tasted it yet... Yes, I'm still single...... hahaha, but I'm not advertising myself here. Only desperado will do that.....

However, this song really brightens up my day....

Albert Hammond When i'm Gone Lyrics:
When I'm gone
will you take good care of everything?
Will you keep wearing your
wedding ring? When I'm gone.
And when I'm gone
will you take out all the photographs

Maybe spend a moment in the past? When I'm gone.
Will you miss me in the night?
Will your arms reach out to hold me tight

And keep me in your dreams
in your heart
in your life?
Sometimes I'll wanna run to you like lovers do

When love is new and just for a
moment be close to you

Pretending I'm still holding you.
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
And even when I'm far away the dreams will stay.
And someday
after we've both chased our fantasies

Love will bring you back to me.
When I'm gone
I'll be thinking about you constantly

'Cause you're locked inside my memory from now on.
And I know that we said we needed time apart

But your love keeps pulling at my heart
pulling strong.
Will you miss me in the night?
Will your arms reach out to hold me tight

And keep me in your dreams
in your heart
in your life?
Sometimes I'll wanna run to you
like lovers do . . .
Sometimes I'll wanna run to you
like lovers do . . .
Sometimes I'll wanna run to you
like lovers do . . .